Principles to Find and Profit from Wealth Winners®— Part 2: Board and Company Processes

By John Price

Warren Buffett wrote that you need to be clear about the investing principles you are going to employ and have the temperament to stick with them. This is Part 2 of three articles describing important principles for finding and profiting from Wealth Winners®. This article will focus on principles associated with board and company processes.

If you haven’t already read the introduction to Part 1, I recommend you do so before continuing. Part 1 focussed on principles associated with the investor, this Part will focus on principles associated with the board and company processes, and Part 3 will focus on products and services.

Each of the three articles is based on a table with two columns. In each table, Column A, the first column, lists common principles that are widely believed.

Side by side in Column B I list the principles used in Conscious Investor®, Teaminvest, and the Conscious Investor® Fund and which are part of their intellectual property. They have been proven by research and verified by experience.

To find out if Teaminvest is right for you and if you would be a good fit for Teaminvest, book a call with our long-time member, Chris, here.

Conscious Investor® is a registered trade mark in the US and Australia. Other trade marks used on this site and in Conscious Investor include Capital Killers™ and Wealth Winners®. All trade marks are used under license.

This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 334339). Authorised by Mark Moreland.


Principles to Find and Profit from Wealth Winners®— Part 3: Products and Services


Principles to Find and Profit from Wealth Winners® — Part 1